There’s more than veg in the garden…

Sometimes I need reminding that there is more to the garden than just the productive (i.e. edible) parts that take up most of my time. It is good to remember that there are many other signs of life now that spring is approaching and I think it is important (to me particularly) to acknowledge this sometimes…


I am particularly proud of that the hellebores have done so well in recent years. I’d like to take all the credit but I suspect that would be a little greedy even if I was the one who originally planted them some years ago.


Since that time I have occasionally remembered to mulch them and even sometimes trimmed off the older, dying leaves or weeded around them. However my guess is that my limited contribution is only a small part of their success.

More Hellebores
More Hellebores

Flowering Currant (?)

We have a few of these in one flower bed and I have spent the last 15 years calling them “Flowering Currants” because I thought they looked like that and never had any berries… until last year that is! Most unexpected but  not the first time I have been wrong about a plant and probably not the last!

Flowering Currant
Flowering Currant – or is it?


Apart from the occasional prune and a bit of weeding this has been left to itself over the years. It seems to prefer that kind of treatment because it has gone from strength to strength and I’m even tempted to take some cuttings so I can have some in the garden at the new house…


Winter Flowering Jasmine

One of the few plants I have added to the garden that I can remember the latin name – Jasminum Nudiflorum – so even though it hasn’t done spectacularly, I am still happy to see the bright yellow flowers each January / February.

Winter flowering jasmine
Winter flowering jasmine

And finally…

I think this is some variety of primula perhaps but I’m not always good at remembering the easy names. We must have moved this from another part of the garden into this spare chimney pot but I can’t remember where it was before. Perhaps we actually bought a few of these at a garden centre some time ago and the rest have died (or been pecked by the chickens)?

It has been surprisingly productive though and is still trying to put out flowers despite the cold spell and the apparent damage to some of the older leaves.

Answers on a postcard, please!
Answers on a postcard, please!


Early signs are encouraging

The rhubarb crowns that I planted in pots earlier  are beginning to show signs of life although the fact that I originally planted one on its side probably didn’t help.

Stockbridge Arrow
Stockbridge Arrow is the first to show

My excuse is that it wasn’t easy to figure out which way was “up” when I received the crowns through the post.

Luckily I had my doubts within a few days of the originally planting them and it was a quick thing to fix with hopefully no adverse effects on the growth and future cropping!

Although i planted both varieties in matching pots with the same compost, it’s the Stockbridge Arrow variety which is looking the best. Perhaps this is the result of using bubble wrap over that pot instead of the horticultural fleece which covered the pot with the Champagne variety?

Champagne rhubarb
Champagne rhubarb is not so promising (…yet)

These pictures really highlight the difference and if I wasn’t such an optimist I might have had thoughts of giving up on the Champagne variety.

However it’s still very early days and I’ve never grown rhubarb before so it makes more sense to keep an eye on it and let nature do what it does best.

They can be easily transported with us when we move house and I have no other use for those pots at the moment!

The cheap lettuce seeds I bought in the sales that were planted only last week are already showing promise which encouraged me to plant some more vegetable seeds this weekend. This even included some beetroot and peas in the garden veg beds which had been covered for a few weeks in preparation.

The cloches went straight back on again afterwards as well because the weather is unlikely to be in my favour just yet! I’m also choosing to ignore the fact that with any luck our house move will take place before these reach a suitable point for harvesting – the new owners can treat them as a house-warming present though.

I hope I don’t regret that in the future when I have too many plants and nowhere to put them. I can always give them away I suppose so watch this space in the coming weeks as there maybe a vegetable plant give away!

Promising signs from the lettuce seeds
Promising signs from the lettuce seeds