Well, that was an action packed weekend with a range of culinary activities including another batch of my impressive scotch eggs, an excellent slow cooked pot-roast goat and some lavender tea cake as well as the Glendale Show (in the rain).
The lavender tea cake idea came about after a previous post about our lavender looking good in bloom which had included some links to intriguing recipes that make use of the flowers.
Somehow I hadn’t considered the possibility that it might be useful in cooking as well as just using it for the scent.
If you need any proof then the pictures included here show the results for the Lavender Tea Cake experiment which were reasonably successful. Apart from a slightly soggy patch at the bottom which I suspect was my fault not the recipe!
There was a pleasant hint of lavender throughout the cake without it being overpowering and it was very well received which is always a good sign!

What to try next I wonder?
The lavender flowers are on their way out now so I’ll have to take a wander around the garden to see what’s available. I’m not sure that Runner Bean biscuits are such a good idea but I don’t think there is much else happening in our garden at the moment!