A slightly unexpected new addition

We had been a house of cats for sometime with 3 of them after moving here and adopting a cat along with the new house. However over recent months the cat numbers had sadly been dwindling and by June this year we were back to having no household pets

While this was obviously quite a sad set of events, it was also nice to have the house free of animals plus their feed and water bowls, cat litter and assorted small mammals that were sometimes brought in.

There had been discussions recently about getting a dog at some point but eventually this was agreed to be something for my retirement when I would (theoretically) have more time. The theory was that there’s barely enough hours in the day for the current day job plus all the smallholding related work.

As it turned out, fate decided something different because we heard from some friends about someone who needed to rehome one of their dogs. We duly considered everything and decided to at least visit to see what the dog was like… On reflection I can see the problem with this because once we’d seen her we couldn’t really NOT take her on!

As a result, we now have Jess who is roughly 4.5 years old and has the sweetest disposition as well as being impeccably trained so she’s fitting in here beautifully. I have even less time now but it’s definitely worth it in the end

Jess, the worlds best dog!

A few quick introductions

To help set the scene and for reference from future posts, here is a run down of the current animal residents as we start on this adventure…

Neo Posh Paws who is a delicate house cat and he is having to adapt to the new lifestyle very quickly.

Ginger who has now been officially adopted from his previous owners who live round the corner from our old house. He had just about moved in with us anyway so we couldn’t move without him!


Tinker who was a last minute addition to the deal by the previous owners of our new home rather than move her to a strange new place.


The as yet unnamed cockerel and his harem of ten ladies who are most definitely not pets and make it very difficult to get a decent picture

Amy, Adele and Aretha our original trio of back garden pet hens who can’t believe how their lives have changed so much. My dilemma now is when and how to introduce them to the existing resident flock!
